HEAT - Galerie John Ferrère

Caroline Corbasson and Andrea Montano

These archives from the 1950s to the 1990s are the fruit of the work of astrophysicists who worked at the Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille. Some of these images were major firsts in their time.
Long confined to a cupboard, these images of space gradually lost their function and their scientific usefulness. However, they have escaped the fate of many non-functional documents. They have not been destroyed but made available to the artist Caroline Corbasson who explores their poetry in a work developed with the photographer Andrea Montano.


These archives from the 1950s to the 1990s are the fruit of the work of astrophysicists who worked at the Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille. Some of these images were major firsts in their time.
Long confined to a cupboard, these images of space gradually lost their function and their scientific usefulness. However, they have escaped the fate of many non-functional documents. They have not been destroyed but made available to the artist Caroline Corbasson who explores their poetry in a work developed with the photographer Andrea Montano

Artworks : Caroline Corbasson, Andrea Montano
Archive images : Archives de Georges Courtes du Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille (LAM, OSU, Institut Pytheas – CNRS – AMU – CNES)
Text : Luce Lebart
Editorial direction and sequencing : Laure-Anne Kayser, Bureau Kayser
Graphic Design : Mathieu Massat
Translation : Jeffrey Zuckerman, Luc Sagnières
Colour separation : Daniel regard, les Artisans du regard
Design : Syndicat
Archive captions : Michel Marcelin, astrophysician, directeur de Recherche CNRS émérite au LAM.
Photo credit : Caroline Corbasson, Andrea Montano
Printing and binding : Italy, Musumeci Spa, december 2022
First edition published by : Area books
Language : French / English
ISBN : 978-2-493509-05-5
EAN : 9791097410018
Dimensions : H 26 cm, L 21 cm
Technical features : 500 copies and 30 copies in limited edition. 150 pages.
Price : 50 € / 240€ limited edition (shipping included)

This book was made possible by the support of the Antoine de Galbert Foundation.

A limited edition of 30 copies is available. It contains a signed book + a unique print numbered and signed by the artists in a black box.

Oeuvres d’art : Caroline Corbasson, Andrea Montano
Images d’archives : Archives de Georges Courtes du Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille (LAM, OSU, Institut Pytheas – CNRS – AMU – CNES)
Texte : Luce Lebart
Direction éditoriale et séquençage : Laure-Anne Kayser, Bureau Kayser
Conception graphique : Mathieu Massat
Traduction : Jeffrey Zuckerman, Luc Sagnières
Photogravure : Daniel regard, les Artisans du regard
Conception : Syndicat
Légendes des archives : Michel Marcelin, astrophysicien, directeur de Recherche CNRS émérite au LAM.
Crédit photo : Caroline Corbasson, Andrea Montano
Impression et reliure : Italie, Musumeci Spa, décembre 2022
Première édition publiée par : Area books
Langue : français / anglais
ISBN : 978-2-493509-05-5
EAN : 9791097410018
Dimensions : H 26 cm, L 21 cm
Caractéristiques techniques : 500 exemplaires et 30 exemplaires en édition limitée. 150 pages.
Prix : 50 € / 240€ édition limitée (frais de port inclus)

Ce livre a pu exister grâce au soutien de la Fondation Antoine de Galbert.

Une édition limitée de 30 exemplaires est disponible. Elle contient un livre signé + un tirage unique numéroté et signé par les artistes dans un coffret noir.